
GRETA wins (double) at Mix Milano 2019


Armando Praça's Berlinale Panorama title has just received a Special Mention and the Premio Cielo Festival MIX at the Festival MIX Milano 2019 and the statements from the jury could not leave us more proud!

Premio Cielo Festival MIX, jury's words:
"A film deeply and intensely queer, that enters into the dramatic life of LGBT community in a country that now risks losing rights and dignity because of a present dominated by the affirmation of right-wing policies homophobic, racist and classist.
For his dramatic and authentic reflection on gender identity, sexual orientation, love, death, old age and loneliness at the margins of society and for Marco Nannini's masterful performance as Pedro, which shows us the pain of loneliness and an authentic yet impossible love, the "Cielo - Festival Mix" award goes to Armando Praca's film "Greta". Greta as Greta Garbo is the name by which Pedro calls himself during sex, the one whose motto was "I want to be alone". And just as 50 years ago, Judy Garland, on the day of her funeral on June 27, 1969, gave strength to a community to rebel and start a revolt, another immense diva-like Greta Garbo gives Pedro the strength to shout her love to feel alive."
SPECIAL MENTION, jury's words:
"Formally original debut, already mature, able to develop in a context of loneliness and fascinating social and emotional harshness, a hope for alternative human and family relationships.
In this case, an unconventional relationship, in its potential for marginalization, becomes more capable, more creative in seeking the solution to needs that affect every person on this planet."
Congratulations to Armando the whole team!